Sunday, October 12, 2008


Have you ever questioned things that happen around you, and go like ,"..oh why now?? Can't fate choose a better time?.."

Life is depicted in a sinusoidal wave..There are peaks, and valleys..uphills and downhills...whatever you may call it...The lessons are learnt along the way, let it be in the uphill climb or the downhill fall..

So I've just come out of a break up, am moving on really fine actually..Things are picking up at work..School keeps me busy, and my friends bring alot of cheer..However,I'm feeling this way because I didn't have the seafood dinner Mr.N promised to take me too..Urrggghh, it's always the men that throw women off course !

So being in a disappointed frame of mind,my thoughts have been wandering..And shit,I have slightly more than 2 weeks to write a 10000 word assignment..So here goes, all in a nutshell..

Since my breakup with the dimwit,my parents have been very protective over me..Questioning my whereabouts and the company that I'm in..It's becoming a teeny bit unpleasant at my end, as I feel like I'm in some sort of quantum leap, in the frame of that rebelious teenage kid they once had..But the difference, is,at present, I'm almost 27, working really hard on that job that provides for me sufficiently, the same job that takes me places, and pays for my MBA..What more can a parent want, when their child is doing fairly well? Reminds me of human nature in general..We're never entirely satisfied with what we have, always looking out for more or improved versions..

I guess there are other people out there who are going thru the same things I'm encountering..

For the next 2 weeks,I'm gonna shun myself away till I'm done with the 10000 word count..A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

For me, it begins as soon as I get my ass of this chair and have a shower !