Saturday, July 11, 2009

Talented Child-->Brilliant Youth-->Successful Adult-->Caring Father-->Remembered Soul

"..Once all alone
I was lost in a world of strangers
No one to trust, on my own
I was lonely..."

You Are My Life - Michael Jackson

You , me and Jane who lives down the road have gone thru feelings of loneliness,dejection and discrimination in one way or another.

Some suffer in silence.Others express themselves thru violence,writings ,songs or whichever that they are best in doing.

Those who know me would agree that I express myself thru my writings and sarcasm.

Michael Jospeh Jackson expressed himself thru his songs,his dances and charitable contribution,particularly those that concerned children and African welfare.

As a kid, Michael was denied a normal childhood because of his pressing father - a father who wanted his kids to be singers.In the later years, despite of all criticism and allegations (whether true or otherwise) that had been lashed out on Joe Jackson,Michael admitted that his father's disciplining somehow contributed to his success as the greatest entertainer planet Earth has ever witnessed.

As an adult, Michael spent a great deal of time and a portion of his fortune reclaiming the childhood that he had missed.Yes, he surrounded himself with kids, but isn't that what kids do?

Isn't that the sort of affiliation that naturally exists amongst groups of people with common interest?

Michael Jackson conquered the world thru his musc and talents - something he had been working very hard on since he was 5.

He reached his peak in the 80s.Michael's album "Thriller" has and still remians the best selling album of all time.His music video "Thriller" is recognized as the best selling video to be released by any artist.

Popularity took a toll on Michael when the deceitful and the jealous manipulated the elements dearest to him to paint an ugly picture of everything that is not Michael.

An ex-body guard claimed to have destroyed a picture of a naked boy on Jackson's order.This former body guard was paid US$150 000 by an American telvision programme for that story (of a DESTROYED photo).A former maid was paid by the same television programme an amount of US$20 000 for her story that she saw Jackson in the shower with a boy.These 2 are among the many more who in their life time tried to take advantage of the acclaimed icon.

But one thing that Jackson did do was to opt for an out of court settlement on the first allegation of child molestation raised against him.He did this upon advise from his lawyers and confidantes, particularly ex-wife,Lisa Marie and close friend Elizabeth Taylor.They advised him to do so because Michael Jackson's deteriorating health would not be able to withstand the length and mental pressure of the hearings and drama - both in and out of the courtroom.

Such were the scandals and rumours that then led the media to the making of millions of dollars thru nonsensical publications that still remains popular in the market till today, and perhaps would still be in 20 years from now.

As the world anticipated Michael's comeback tour in July 2009, he made his greatest exit - much to the shock of his children,family,friends and fans all over the world.

Michael died on 25 June 2009.His true cause of death is still unknown.

I joined the billions of people around the world to bid farewell to MJ on 7 July 2009.

In that 12 days,I recollected and was awe-struck to have learned on how the King Of Pop had such an impact on my life.

Michael,I can't thank you enough for the wonderful memories and valuable lessons you have taught me thru your songs and struggles.

-Thank you for your music
-Thank you for teaching me humility
-Thank you for showing me perseverance especially when the world tuns their back on you
-Thank you for showing me that the sky is your limit, and people would dictate your life as long as you allow them to do so
-Thank you for teaching me to listen attentively to the words that are spoken , and to the ones that are unspoken
-Thank you for teaching me sensitivity and reminding me to remain steadfast in driving my passion and dreams, because without passion, you cannot excel.Without passion,there is no drive.Without passion,there would be a bleak tomorrow
-Thank you for being that testimony, that love indeed is the greatest force in the world;the same force that people seek, and at the same time drive away
-Thank you for imparting the knowledge that love heals, love soothes and love prevails

I have been blessed for witnessing at least 22 years of your brilliance.

Thank you for everything Michael.