Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Idiot Who Started The Financial Crisis Should Be Shot Dead--> Between The Eyes

I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little fed up and freaking angry of hearing,reading and witnessing people losing their jobs or being manipulated in one way or another.

Close to 40% pay slash in Ireland? What the hell??

We are paying the bad fortune of those others who made the mistakes.

More and MORE people are victimized from the daily mis-management that over and over again keep falling into wrong hands.When can normality be restored again? When can we have that little peace of mind and assurance that we are okay?

History has a tendency of repeating itself.Does it cause too much for "them" to sit down and see how we overcame this before - rather than lash , bicker and exert unnecessary power at the expense of others?

I wish this was all just a bad dream...

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