Thursday, November 26, 2009

If A Picture Says It All

Call me old or whatever, but lately, I've come to realize how I remember faces of people, but I can't seem to re-call their names ! Sometimes,I'm amazed with myself, as I can spell out the very detail of the outfit and accesories that the person had worn before, how I felt about it and how the conversation could just move from perhaps colour to culture, places to countries.

Fascinating isn't it on how these are soo vivid, but nothing comes near to the name !

It is true that a picture paints a thousand words.Looking at a restaurant menu for example can be soo mesmerizing - tempting us cusotmers to perhaps pay more only to be disappointed a while later with a dish that is not only 2 shades different, but also contains less ingredients, more oil and swallowed with utter disbelief, a teeny bit disappointment and a pledge to never order the same anymore, or even worse - to never patronize the joint anymore !

Now coming back to names and faces.

So what do I do when I bump into friends, acquaintances or even irritants in public areas such as the mall, outside the cinema or even at the gym , of whose name I cannot possibly remember?

I simply make conversation without inferring their names ! During which, half my brain would try soo hard to remember the person's name, whilst the other half would be "trying" to pay attention to keep the conversation going, with the hope that the name would suddenly just pop up !

Anyone has or had a similar experience?

Fortunately, if I have a friend with me, I just introduce the friend, and allow the other party to introduce theirself - in the process which I'm "told" of his/her name. Thankfully it has worked thus far. God knows how long luck is gonna be by my side in regards to this !

Maybe some of us, me included is not using that better part of the brain to capitalize our present and possibly our future for the better of ourselves?
Or, could this just be a mere coincidence, simply because of the medium, where images outweighs words, as how videos outweighs still images. No?

TGIF Tomorrow !

Yo people of the world..How'z it going?

I have been rather occupied and free lately.As ironic and contradicting as it sounds, that really is how it is.Free because no more exams or assignment submissions (at least for now till all my results are officially out.God willing I will clear it all). Occupied because I have met someone !

Ahha, I've let the cat out of the bag !

A couple of things have been running thru my head lately.I have been boggled with a lot of questions.The biggest one being what am I waiting for if I realize that I am surrounded by clowns.

Life can be fun, but it ain't a circus.
Games are cool, but life in itself is no game.. Hell NO !

Why lazy?Complacent? Especially if one knows that one shouldn't deny oneself with the better option whilst on this pilgrim journey on earth.

Sometimes, I struggle to take my own advise.Sometimes is happening a lot lately. Boy oh boy !