Sunday, August 31, 2008

So,I Broke Up..Again !

Yep, I fell short of another relationship..Broke up in my 4th relationship on August 18 2008,after going out with Person X for 19 months..

Was it a bed of roses?? Nnnoooooooooo.....

But being optimistics as I've always been, I continued to grind my teeth and accomodate during that period of time, telling myself.."...hey, relationships are tough, and requires a lot of hard work.You're never gonna get it easy.."

This particular relationship ended because Person X gave up..He refused to carry on..Instead of working with me, he started working against me..He started attacking the very person that I am..The things that I say to the things that I do..I was too naive to read between the lines when everthing was evidently plastered around ! Why was I too oblivious?

I am one of those old-fashioned conventional person.I don't believe in short cuts.I always hold firm that hard work and persevearance will pay off, maybe not immediately, but in time, the results will be delivered..And when it does,I will have the last laugh - something which I have and will continue to have.

You see, when you succeed, people will remember your success story..But if you fail, nobody would wanna hear your regretful lines..So, you might as well tell those sad stories to yourself as a mode of consolation and comfort for as long as you want !

My parents worked hard to bring up my brothers and me with fine education and good qualities.They taught us respect, and nurtured good faith.They never failed to provide us with the best.They have always instilled good morale and had constantly grind us to never take education and things for granted.Mum always says, that whatever you do outside, reflects on your family and your upbringing.We are who we are today, because we chose not to fool around or disappoint our parents.Our parents are very proud of their 3 kids.They want all of us to settle down and get married, with the right people !

So, what if I take 2 weeks to finish my assignments?Can you do any better than me?If yes you can,stop talking and start to take some serious action,rather than waste your evenings talking cock about everything from bird shit to bull shit !

This break up came as a shocker to me..I didn't see it coming,I was caught unaware..

I learnt far too many things this time around..The very essential one being, to always stand up for the person you are because you may pretend now, for a while, but you can't do that for long..I am a learner, I am open to criticism and feedback, because I do not want to carry on making mistakes that I had been doing out of habitual routine..Life is too short to keep falling and learning from mistakes that you have been making..I rather learn from experiences of others, thru books and posts..Sadly, it only sinks in when it is learnt thru your own fallings and experiences..Maybe yes,I've just been too naive, and that it was fated for me to go thru this..I'll take it in good stride..

The kind of man I wanna marry and bring up kids with is plainly what is in the lyrics below:

Grow Old With You- Adam Sandler
I wanna make you smile
Whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you

I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you

I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
Need you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you

So,I'm gonna run along and do my assignment now..I've got my head on my shoulders,so don't worry about me..I'll be fine ! *hugs*

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